Supported CSS Selectors
(CSS 1, CSS 2, CSS 3)

With the DOMAssistant Core module and its $ method comes support for using CSS selectors to get a reference to one or multiple elements. There is support for any major CSS element selector in CSS 1, CSS 2 and CSS 3, with the exact same syntax as you would use in a CSS file.

For an in-depth explanation of the CSS selectors and examples of how us them, please read CSS 2.1 selectors and CSS 3 selectors explained.

Implemented CSS selectors

Get an element with the id "container".
Get all elements with the class name "item".
Get an element with the id "container", if it also has the class name "item".
Get all P elements with both a class name consisting of both "info" and "error".
div p
Get all P elements which are descendants of any DIV element.
div > p
Get all P elements which are direct descendants of any DIV element.
div + p
Get all P elements where their immediate previous sibling element is a DIV element.
div ~ p
Get all P elements which are following siblings to a DIV element (not necessarily immediate siblings).
Get any DIV element which has an ID attribute.
Get any DIV element which has an ID attribute with the value of "container".
Get any INPUT element which has a TYPE attribute with the value of "text" and a VALUE attribute which is ="Yes".
Get any DIV element where the ID attribute value begins with "empt".
Get any DIV element where the ID attribute value ends with "parent".
Get any DIV element where the ID attribute value contains the text "mpt".
Get any DIV element where the foo attribute is a list of space-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to "bar".
Get any DIV element where the lang attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the left) with "en".
Get any DIV element which is the first child of its parent element.
Get any DIV element which is the last child of its parent.
Get any DIV element which is the only child of its parent.
div#container p:first-of-type
Get the P element which is the first P element child of a DIV element with an ID attribute with the value "container".
Get the P element which is the last P element child of its parent element.
Get any P element which is the only P element child of its parent element.
Get the P element which is the 7th P element child of its parent element.
Get any DIV element which is completely empty (including text nodes).
Get any DIV element where its ID attribute is not "container".
Get any DIV element which is the third child element of its parent element.
Get every odd DIV child element of its parent element.
Get every even DIV child element of its parent element.
Get every 5th DIV child element of its parent element, starting at 3, then 8, 13, 18 etc.
Get the last three rows of any tables.
Get all but the last column of any tables.
Get any INPUT element which is enabled.
Get any INPUT element which is disabled.
Get any INPUT element which is checked.
Get any DIV element which is in Chinese.
Get the P element which is the target of the referring URL.
p, a
Get all P elements and all A elements.
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